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Top 5 fun Christmas party ideas 2020 for kids

by arzoochaudhary

Remember when you were a little kid and you were always the most excited for Christmas? You would probably start the Christmas countdown from 1st of January itself (if not 26th December of the very same year). Christmas has always been about friends, family and fun. It has always been that time of the year when you would meet all your near and dear ones, share love and gifts, eat and laugh till your stomach hurt, and make memories that last a lifetime. Chances are, you remember your childhood Christmas days even now as if they were just yesterday- that’s the thing about Christmas, you never really forget! 

If you have a child at home- be it your own, your younger brother or sister, your niece or nephew, or even your grandchild, make sure you give him or her Christmas memories that are going to make them laugh even years and years from now, even when you are no longer beside them to celebrate this joyous occasion together. 

Are you wondering how to make Christmas more special for a child and turn it into a day that he or she is going to remember and cherish forever? Well, we have come up with a list of some amazing Christmas party ideas for kids that you can definitely try out-

  • Dress up as Santa

Children love Santa Claus and honestly, their innocence is heart melting. Imagine even as a grown up if you could still believe that there’s a happy old man who is going to come in an open sleigh driven by reindeers all the way from the northern pole on Christmas eve at midnight, climb down your chimney and give you whatever it is that you have secretly asked for (oh, what wouldn’t we do to just go back to our childhood days!) 

So, this Christmas, dress up as Santa (or have someone else dress up as Santa Claus), meet the kids, sing some carols and dance a bit, give some gifts and have a merry time- the kids are going to absolutely love this.

  • Bake cakes and cookies with the kids

One of the fondest memories from our childhood days has got to be of baking cakes and cookies with our family members, especially during the Christmas season. Yes, the kitchen might get a little messy but the memories that you will be making with the children are going to bring a smile on your face as well as theirs everytime you think about it- even if the christmas theme cake and the cookies don’t turn out to be the best, the memories will be. 

  • Sing carols

Christmas is incomplete without carols. So, gather the kids around and sing some beautiful carols together. It’s okay if the tunes don’t match, the wide smiles will. Give them each a Christmas cap (you wear one too), sing carols, dance till your legs give up and have the time of your life! (Don’t forget to take some pictures and record a few videos, you are going to love seeing these once the kids grow up and you no longer always get to spend the holiday season with them.)

  • Have a cozy PJ party

Winter is not the same without warm and comfy PJs. So gather the kids for a PJ party, make some hot chocolate for them, roast some marshmallows and give the kids a party to remember forever. 

  • Christmas movie marathon

Is it even Christmas if you don’t watch at least one Christmas movie on this day? We don’t think so. Sit the kids down, throw a warm fuzzy blanket on them, make them some delicious hot chocolate, and enjoy the Christmas movie marathon. Do you know what we absolutely love about Christmas movies? Not only are they super cute but each one has a happy ending. Yes you might cry some happy tears but in the end, the smile on your face will be worth it all. 

Incase you don’t have a child at home and yo want to make a little one’s Christmas memorable, or you do have one but you want to make Christmas joyous for more children, especially the ones who are not as fortunate as you or your child, here are a few things you can do-

  • Visit an orphanage and spend time with the kids there on Christmas
  • Sponsor a good Christmas meal for the orphans
  • Take out the kids from the orphanage (of course with permission and help from the authorities) and take them for a picnic, or movie, or to an amusement park, or for a lunch at your home or a restaurant.
  • Give warm clothes to the needy children on the streets 
  • Provide warm home cooked Christmas meals to the little ones who are not fortunate enough to have a roof on top of their head and warm food on their plates. You can even order new year party cake for them.
  • Dress up as Santa and visit any child you wish- this for sure will bring a smile on his or her face (you can give little gifts to them as well to make it even more special)

We wish you a merry Christmas in advance and we hope you bring joy in at least one child’s life this Christmas! 

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