Home Health What is Cupping Therapy – Benefits and Uses

What is Cupping Therapy – Benefits and Uses

by richardpeterson
Cupping Therapy

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is an alternative therapy. This innovative technique involves placing cups on the face and body in order to increase blood flow in the skin and tackle issues with the myofascial tissues that surround the muscles and bones.

Originating in China, myofascial cupping has been around since 5000 B.C. People throughout the ages have used cupping as a way to ease neck and back pain, headaches and other issues.

Ancient Chinese cupping originally used fire and bamboo cups to create an effect similar to suction on the body tissue to draw out dirt, impurities and pain.

Today, this method uses acrylic cups and hand pumps to alleviate old injuries that remain in the myofascial layer. Cupping is believed to balance the negative and positive energy inside the body and restore the body’s resistance to pathogens. This is also known as the yin and yang.

The suction is also believed to facilitate blood flow, build new connective tissue and create new blood vessels in the body.

The improved blood circulation then helps repair cell damage and relieves muscle tension. Recent studies on ancient Chinese cupping therapy have proved its various health benefits.

Cupping Therapy

The Procedure

Acrylic cup domes are placed on the skin and a seal is created with massage cream. Then a hand pump is used to pull the air out of the cup. When the air is removed, a mild suction effect pulls up the myofascial tissue, causing the muscular layer to stretch. It is usually left in place for 1 to 15 minutes. Each treatment lasts for around 30 to 40 minutes.

The aim of the last part is to restore the range of motion that is missing. This involves bending the joints until the pain disappears.

What conditions can it treat? Cupping Therapy

Cupping can be used successfully for local pain and relaxation of the muscles. It also helps to identify any barriers to the flow of energy, also known as Qi. This therapy can be incredibly beneficial for athletes, as it increases blood flow to muscles to reduce pain. Researchers have found cupping to be helpful in treating the following conditions:

  • Tendonitis
  • Postural and Chronic neck pain
  • Bursitis
  • Lumbar Disc Herniation
  • Shingles
  • IT Band Syndrome

When you research ‘cupping therapist near me’, you will discover that it takes anywhere between five to ten visits to the therapist to cure the pain.

In some cases, the benefits are noticeable immediately, but they also tend to be short-lived. In the case of chronic complaints, the treatment may go for longer. On average, a course of treatment has ten sessions.

See Also- Health related articles

There are some things to keep in mind when you search for ‘cupping therapist near me’. Not every medical professional is trained in complementary and alternative medicine.

Some practitioners may be particularly enthusiastic about cupping therapy over conventional treatments. If you choose to try it, be sure to discuss your decision with your doctor.

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