Home Business What are Amazon guidelines violations and how to revoke suspension?

What are Amazon guidelines violations and how to revoke suspension?

by jsharma
reinstate amazon account strategy

Violation of Amazon guidelines will invite penalties such as suspension of a seller account. If you are a seller member of Amazon and have signed the contract where you have promised to abide by Amazon guidelines you should have been keeping that promise. In case you have violated any of the terms or conditions you are likely to be punished by a suspension. Here is some of the Amazon guidelines violation that you could have enacted:

  • Sending wrong consignment
  • Sent inferior quality products against the promised
  • Sending incomplete orders
  • Delayed deliveries 
  • Charging against free delivery
  • Selling used products as new
  • Selling products that are not in stock
  • Using same ASINS for different products
  • Selling banned items by global bodies
  • Intellectual property violations

And so on. These are serious violations as far as Amazon and consumer laws are concerned hence the website has no alternatives but suspend you and ask for an explanation. For you it is a matter of business loss as well as face loss. You may not sell products on the platform till you are cleared off the charges and suspension lifted. The more the delay is the more your brand will take a beating and mount business loss. 

Get support from Amazon expert help online

It is time for you to work out a Reinstate Amazon account strategy and it may not be up to you as you are not experienced with Amazon doings and may end up antagonizing the website more. Your best chances lie with third party counseling and actions such as an Amazon seller or counselor who will write an appeal after assessing the situation well. The letter will be politely written apology for the wrongs you have done to the customers and the Amazon brand and a request which pleads for the revocation of the suspension so you can continue doing business with the company. You will find such services online and for you it is best advised to contact Smart Seller Help, LLC if on website https://www.smartsellerhelp.com/ or send email to help@smartsellerhelp.com for rehabilitation. 

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